Tips To Clean Your Marble Kitchen Benchtops

The kitchen benchtop is the most used space in your kitchen. You wait for your coffee to brew, you can chop your vegetables and even you can unpack your grocery on your marble kitchen benchtop. But marble is not a scratch proof material and you want to maintain your kitchen marble benchtop on a regular basis. so It is recommended to avoid placing any heated pan on the marble benchtop because they cannot resist the heat.

You can use plain water and some cleaning solutions to clean your marble benchtop.

Marble is elegant, inexpensive compared to other benchtop and very easy to clean but it has porous nature people think that it is hard to keep clean. Marble is easily getting etch, scratch and stain. But you can take vinegar mix with warm water to easily clean the benchtop of the kitchen. Apart from that, you can also use some organic cleaning solutions to clean your marble benchtop.

Tips to Clean Your Kitchen Marble Benchtops:

Stick to the basic cleaning

When the marble kitchen benchtop is all messy and you need to wipe out the left-outs after the day. The daily basis of cleaning is very easy. You have to keep the basic cleaning materials with yourself while cleaning the marble kitchen benchtop. In this regard, you can use warm water, a soft towel, and cleaning solutions. Do not use any harmful chemicals like acid to clean your benchtop because they easily damage the marble instantly and spread the germs inside your kitchen.

Clean the stain right away

You should clean the spill over the marble kitchen benchtops right away. While cleaning a spill over the marble make sure that the cleaning cloth should be in absorption. You should not run the marble benchtop, and you need to clean the marble with cotton gently.

Do a test

You should always taste a sealant before using it in the whole marble kitchen benchtop. You should use an obscure area where you can test this sealant such as under the stove. After applying the sealant if there is no stain or etching then you can apply the product. You can also hire professional cleaners to clean your marble benchtop. If you find any cracks or holes on your marble, then change the benchtop.

Use isopropyl alcohol

For disinfecting the space despite having a solid seal you can use isopropyl alcohol. But remember that you should not use anything too harsh. isopropyl alcohol and Mix water spray over the place, keep it for 5 minutes and rinse it off.

Use baking soda

You need a few things such as water, spoon, plastic wrap, and baking soda. For the cleaning, you are required to mix water and baking soda. After cleaning the area with water you need to spread the mixture all over and cover it with a plastic wrap, and keep it for 24 hours, which will pull out the stain with itself.

Bottom Line

You can even use plates, chopping boards and coasters to avoid benchtops getting a stain. Marble has got a bad reputation for being hard to keep clean, but you can keep the marble kitchen benchtop clean if you follow the above-mentioned guidelines.


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